
Indications of Weak Mars and its Remedies

 Hello everyone watching this blog. Today we will analyse the Root symptoms of weak Mars and it's remedies.  Mars if placed malefic or debilitated in 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th house is said to be weak.  It can also give negative results if placed in 6th , 8th and 12th house without vipreet rajyog.  Those person's having weak Mars are found to have loss of self-esteem and decision making power. They also have weak concentration and distracted very easily. Even such person with weak Mars becomes Angry very quickly and gets irritated very easily. These people driver vehicles very badly and faces accidents many times in their life. They fights so badly and brutally when angry that they even can kill the person, due to which they can face the problems arising due to law and order.  Powerful and easy Remedies of Mars:- 1) keep fast on Tuesday 2) Donate Red clothes+ copper utensils to poor on Tuesday to Brahmin or poor.  3) Donate Red fruits Eg. Water melon, pomegranate, Apple, plum

Indications of weak Sun and Remedies

 Hello everyone watching this blog. Today we will analyse the root symptoms of weak sun and remedies.  Sun if malefic or Debilitated in 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th house or placed in 6th, 8th Or 12th house is found weak in nature.  Due to weak sun, person is unable to take quick decision and have low self esteem. It is also found that the person having weak sun have deficiency of vitamin D. Such person also faces problems of blood pressure and heart attack.  Remedies for weak sun Read "Aditya Hriday stotra" Chant gayatri mantra " Om bhoor bhuaswaha tasya vitur varenium bhargo devasya di mahi dhiyo yonha prachodayat " Give water to sun every morning in copper glass, reading 12 names of sun. 

Indication of weak Saturn and Remedies

 Hello everyone watching this blog. In this blog we learn about indication of weak Saturn. Saturn if malefic, debelited in 1st, 4th, 5th , 9th and 10th house then give many problems.  The problems which arises due to weak Saturn includes carelessness, laziness , lack of support from servants and fear or phobia. Such kind of person face many hurdles in career settlement, faces problems of promotion in Job, severe loans and losses in business.  Such natives should never wear Blue sapphire if Saturn is debelited, malefic until and unless the condition of neech bhang arises in the horoscope natal chart or under the supervision of vedic experienced Astrologer.  Remedies for weak Saturn: Chant the mantra 108 times " Om sham Shanischaray namha" Worship Lord Hanuman every Saturday Burn a lamp with mustard oil near pipal tree every Saturday Donation of Black seasame every Saturday to poor Give Respect to your employees or Servant. 

Indications of weak Jupiter and Remedies

  Hello everyone watching this Blog. This blog is created for those who are suffering from problems arising Due to Jupiter Malefic, I'll placed or Debilited.  Weak Jupiter in a Horoscope can make the native Athiest or can make people get addiction of Alcohol, cigarette etc in early age. If Jupiter is I'll placed in 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th House and conjucted with Rahu or Ketu then it forms Chandal Yog. Jupiter in such conditions is unable to give benefits Related to Religion, education and Teacher's. Such person having this type of Jupiter are wisely Recommended to do Jupiter Remedies.  Jupiter Remedies includes donation of Turmeric, seasome in a River or temple. Such natives are adviced to never accept any gifts from priest.  Mantras of Jupiter for quick success "Om gurudevay vidmahe mahadevay dhimahi tanno guru prachodayat" "Om gram grim graum sah guruve namha" " Om brim Brihaspataye namha" At last such person having malefic or Debelited